How I Get Back On Track With A Healthy Lifestyle When I Slip

I consider making the switch from dieting to leading a healthy lifestyle as one of the wisest decisions of my life. With dieting, I always felt discouraged when I fell of the wagon for a few days. I always felt that I had to give up because I spent the weekend pigging out. The difference when following a healthy lifestyle is that I don’t feel guilty anymore if I let myself indulge on an extra portion of fries. I know I will soon get back on track. It took me a long time to imprint this in my brain but I realised that the body will not change just because you ate a little too much during the weekend. You might bloat, you might feel heavier than ever, but the body will quickly return to its natural state after a few days of getting back on track.

I’ve always loved junk food and I’ve always had a sweet tooth. When I went through dieting phases, I made the mistake of cutting them all out from my system. That made me crave them even more which meant that I would finally give in and eat all the sweets I could find within my distance. That’s why I don’t restrict my diet to certain foods and not others because wanting them even more is not healthy for me. I believe that everything should be consumed in moderation if you want to keep your healthy lifestyle for the longterm.

Although I’m a sweet tooth at heart, when I overeat during the weekend, or when I’m on holiday, I find myself wanting to stuff my body with some greens and grains. It’s like a change happened within my body that it suddenly realised that a healthy lifestyle is the way to go. It’s weird, I know, it freaks me out too. So, that’s my first step in getting back on track. Try to get back to my normalish eating habits. More greens. Less junk.

I’m not a detox tea believer but I do drink A LOT of herbal teas, especially when I’m trying to get back on track. If I’m drinking tea, it’s probably peppermint tea. I also love teas with a chamomile extract in them as I feel they help with stress and anxiety.

A good breakfast always gets me going  during the day. My favourite one, at the moment, is a tasty smoothie bowl. I add oats to, whatever fruit I can find in the fridge, to make the consistency of the smoothie a bit thicker. This always satisfies me till lunchtime and it’s so healthy and refreshing that it makes me want to stay on track throughout the rest of the day.

A recent addition to my healthy regime are the Shine Mixes from MINT Health & Wellness. There are seven mixes to choose from and they’re all gluten free, vegan and do not contain any added sugar. Basically, they’re the definition of authentic ingredients to help you shine throughout the day. You can’t resist that, can you?!

Here’s when I feel I need to use these mixes the most:

# Wisdom – When I tend to run out of ideas, this seems to help me concentrate a bit more. Writer’s block – BE GONE!

# Stamina – This is probably my favourite to use. I love adding a teaspoon of this in my breakfast to keep me going throughout the day. It’s especially effective when I go to the gym in the morning.

# Cleanse – THIS IS LIFE. I tend to use this on Mondays, after eating the weekend away. If also ideal for getting back to your normal routine after a holiday. Don’t be discouraged by the green texture, it will add a little colour to your breakfast or meal but it does not compromise the taste.

# Fiber – Being gluten intolerant, I lack the natural fibre that most people get from bread and cereals. This has become my new best friend. I usually mix one teaspoon of this when I’m cooking my vegetables for dinner.

# Calcium – This is probably the least one I’ll use but it’s great to have the option for those who need that extra shine to their bones. It has magnesium, potassium and calcium properties. If you’re feeling tired all the time, you might be lacking calcium. A teaspoon or two of this mix in your breakfast should do the trick.

# Shield – I’ll definitely be using this to defend myself as the cold weather kicks in. It has Vitamin C and Zinc properties which will help strengthen your cells from undesirable toxins.

# Protein – This is amazing for sports lovers. It is designed to help you maintain your muscle with magnesium, protein and zinc properties. I like to add this to my lunch, especially when I’m making soup because it’s so easy to just chuck a teaspoon in.

The last step to getting back on track is staying positive. It’s not the end of the world if you swayed off track for a couple of days. You’ll get there soon enough. And always be kind to yourself. If you can’t keep this lifestyle going for a lifetime, it’s not good for you! So eat that piece of chocolate cake if you feel like it, and get back up stronger!