Flavours for Health Malta – Sweet BUT Healthy Snacks!

Flavours for Health Malta - Spirit Lifter Cookies

I’ve always loved cooking, but to be more exact, I’ve always loved following a recipe. I don’t have the cooking genes in me but I love finding new recipes to spice up my day-to-day food. I especially love cooking sweet treats that won’t make me feel guilty when I eat the whole thing! Flavours for Health Malta provides the ideal snacks, sweets and mixes for that! Whatever you fancy, you’ll find a healthy alternative on their website.

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How I Get Back On Track With A Healthy Lifestyle When I Slip

I consider making the switch from dieting to leading a healthy lifestyle as one of the wisest decisions of my life. With dieting, I always felt discouraged when I fell of the wagon for a few days. I always felt that I had to give up because I spent the weekend pigging out. The difference when following a healthy lifestyle is that I don’t feel guilty anymore if I let myself indulge on an extra portion of fries. I know I will soon get back on track. It took me a long time to imprint this in my brain but I realised that the body will not change just because you ate a little too much during the weekend. You might bloat, you might feel heavier than ever, but the body will quickly return to its natural state after a few days of getting back on track.

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On Taking Health & Fitness Seriously

Along the years, I’ve started and quit going to the gym more times than I can remember. As a teenager, I’ve always HATED physical education activities at school. I was never good at any of the sports (badminton in particular!) and all I had going for me was that I was a ok-ish runner. So, I automatically thought that I was bad at everything that had to do with getting fit.

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